Good Food
For All!
We believe that access to healthy food and education regarding food health is for all.
Augusta’s Vegetable Prescription Program

GF4H Medical Journal Published Results:
"I enjoyed being able to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, but I most enjoyed the socialization I experienced with my cohorts, the vendors and the facilitators of the program.."
S. W.
"The fellowship and interacting with local farmers."
"Being able to learn about cooking and shopping health and the importance of grown your own vegetables."
"Meeting new people; learning new ways to prepare food; the wellness seminar w/ the psychologist; the
fresh produce."

The Augusta Georgia Food for Health program is in partnership with Wholesome Wave Georgia and one that encompasses many community partners to provide 40 participants yearly:
vegetable prescriptions to program participants and their households
plant-based cooking classes
monthly dietician coaching
clinic visits
wellness classes
GF4H provides prescriptions for vegetables that are redeemed at the Veggie Park Farmers Market. In the past six years, over $130,000 been contributed to local farmers in the CSRA through this program alone.
Augusta was the beta test site for Georgia’s first vegetable prescription program in 2014.
Today, the GF4H program consists of the following community partners:
The Veggie Park Farmers Market | Harrisburg Family Health Clinic | Augusta Dietetic Association | St. Luke United Methodist Church | Reid Memorial | American Heart Association | Good Neighbor Ministries​